Our courses


Grant Thornton CZ has years of experience with Power BI. Our firm has worked with many clients, such as PRE, Nakit, and Mondi, to implement Power BI into their workflow. The result from using this solution has been transformative, streamlining processes and unifying enterprise data into a visually immersive central hub. Journey through Power BI with us as we help you capture the full potential of your business.

Introduction to the Basics

Learn how to get started with Power BI. This course will first walk you through the download and installation steps. Then, we will use a sample data-set to explore some basic visualization tools. This is a great place to start your Power BI journey.

70 min.

Intermediate Tools

Discover how to go beyond the basics and experiment with different techniques to create the graphics that are just right for you. It is recommended that you complete the “Introduction to Basics” course first.

1.5 hours

Real life example

Have you completed both of the previous courses and are you looking for a way to practice your newly obtained skills? Download real-life data and try creating report of your own!

1.5 hours

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